13:06, 16 February 2021 | GMT +6
7 pregnant with COVID-19 staying hospital in N Kazakhstan
PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZINFORM «60-65 patients were daily admitted to the infectious diseases hospitals in November, December and first half of January in North Kazakhstan,» head of the healthcare department Nurlan Aimanov said. Sometimes up to 70 people were hospitalized there.
Currently, hospitalization rate keeps on decreasing. For example, 28 people were hospitalized on February 14. There are 78 patients are the new infectious diseases hospital, 94 at city hospital #1, 67 at hospital #3, 68 are staying at the phthisiopulmonology hospital. There are 7 pregnant women with COVID-19 at the perinatal centre, 20 at the multi-field hospital, who were operated on, have underlying conditions, etc.
There are 20 patients at the infectious diseases hospital in Taiynsha district. An infectious diseases unit was closed in Kyzylzhar district early February. All patients were taken to Petropavlovsk infectious diseases hospitals.