83 projects to be realized within five-year program of Kazakhstan's industrial-innovative development - Head of State

sp; ASTANA.  December 4. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ 83 large projects worth USD 42 bln are planned to implemented under the five-year Program of Kazakhstan's Forced Industrial-Innovative Development, President Nazarbayev has informed at the 22nd plenary session of the Foreign Investors Council in Astana Palace of Independence today.

"In the nearest outlook we plan to develop a 2020 Strategy of Kazakhstan's Development and the Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development. Their realization will start next year", the President reminded.

"Realization of the five-year Program of the country's forced industrial innovative development will yield a profit of KZT 7 trln. This will make a half of our GDP. 83 projects amounting to USD 42 bln have already been defined. A number of projects was initiated by the investors attending this event. I reckon on their successful implementation", he said.

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