84% of schools operate as usual in N Kazakhstan rgn
According to the Department, there are 477 schools with a contingent of 37,786 students in North Kazakhstan region.
76 schools have been working in remote mode in the region. Around 17 thousand students are studying remotely. 20,771 students of 1-5 grades are taught at reduced in-person classes upon parents’ requests, while 4.760 students of 9-11 grades have mixed classes.
In-person classes are conducted with the observation of social distancing rules through the 1 class-1 room principle. The number of students in such classes does not exceed 15 and must be at least 30% of the planned capacity. The schools are run according to shifts and sub-shifts taking into account flexible schedules and alternating in-person and remote classes. The special schools operate as usual.
The kindergartens have been operating according to a reduced groups principle with not more than 15 children in one group since last August.
There are 1,022 such reduced groups with a total of 9,055 children or 49% of the total contingent in the region.