09:24, 11 March 2009 | GMT +5
890 thousand people recorded in Kostanay
KOSTANAY. March 11. KAZINFORM /Petr Plakhotnikov/ 890 thousand 908 people were recorded in Kostanay region during 10 days, 419 thousand 493 (47.1%) of which are men, 471 thousand 415 (52.9%) – women. 36.7% of total number of recorded people are Kazakhs.
According to head of the regional statistics department Kanat Berimbekov, the success of the campaign depends on regularity of the preparatory activities and coodinated work of the census personnel.
The next stage is the control census. It will allow to correct data on temporary absentees and temporary residents, absence of gaps or double records in the census documents.
Upon the completion of the control census the calculation of the received information will start.