A 14yo composer from Kazakhstan awarded 1st prize of contest in Yalta
It was attended by composers from Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries. Priority part of participants consists of professional composers, educators, graduate students and students from various conservatories. Among them there have been the skilled musicians, of 63 years old.
A 14-year-old composer from Kazakhstan Rahat-Biy Abdysagin, a graduate of the Tolebayev music school, a 159 high school student in Almaty, has presented his two works at the contest. Special admiration and delight of the audience and the jury called his work named "The Crying migratory birds " for piano solo (based on a story of Zhingiz Aitmatov) , performed skillfully and expressively by the author.
President of the jury - People's Artist of the Ukraine, a Shevchenko Prize winner, Professor of composition at the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy Mr. Kostin said that the level of works by Rahat-Biy raised the level for the competition by making it high-quality colorful. And it's proof that Kazakhstan is a country not only rich in natural resources, but also in talented people.