A. Issekeshev noted contribution of European funding of innovations in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The program of European Union "Horizon-2020" on financing of research works will help develop the innovation potential in Kazakhstan, Minister of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev told at the seminar titled "EU-Kazakhstan: innovations through cooperation" in Astana, the official website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan informs.

"We hope that "Horizon-2020" and the State Program on Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan will allow Kazakhstan to speed up the process of reaching the innovation and energy-efficient future," the Minster noted.

According to A. Issekeshev, since 1992 almost 300 groups of Kazakhstani scientists have taken part in more than 250 projects and received over 22 mln Euro in the form of grants within the framework of different programs of the European Union.

Besides, the Minister noted that close cooperation with the EU in the sphere of innovations will help to have a greater success at the EXPO-2017.

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