A.Issekeshev: Nurly Zhol consonant with China’s initiative on Silk Road

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Nurly Zhol is consonant with the initiative of China on the establishment of the economic zone "Silk Road", said Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev.

"In recent years, due to globalization, international economic relations on the Eurasian continent and the growth of cargo traffic between Asia and Europe, revival of the Great Silk Road is becoming a topic of high importance. "The initiative of the President "Nurly Zhol" program is consonant with the initiative of China aimed at establishing the economic zone of the Silk Road. We believe that these initiatives will make a great contribution to the development of a transport corridor between Europe and Asia," stressed A. Issekeshev at the forum themed "New Silk Road" held as part of Astana Economic Forum.

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