19:17, 28 November 2012 | GMT +5
About 200 thousand Kazakhstanis receive target social assistance - S.Abdenov
ASTANA. November 28. KAZINFORM The number of people receiving target social assistance in Kazakhstan reduced 5 times, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population of Kazakhstan Serik Abdenov said.

"In early 90s there were 1 million people receiving target social assistance in the country. Presently, their number makes about 200 thousand," S.Abdenov said.
According to the Minister, such reduction was conditioned first of all by economic breakthrough of the country, implementation of the industrialization program and the measures taken by state employment agencies, primeminister.kz says.
As earlier reported, the country has an efficient system of social provision for people in need. Speaking at the 14th congress of "Nur Otan" Party, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the pension payments and target social assistance would reach 60% of the minimum of subsistence by 2017.