About 4 thousand agricultural producers receive digital signatures - Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Currently about 4 thousand agricultural producers have received digital signatures. Chairman of the Board of "Information Record Center" JSC Zhanasyl Ospanov said at a press conference in the CCS.

"In Akmola region there are 59 grain collecting enterprises, or 28% of the total amount, 49 grain collecting enterprises in North Kazakhstan region or 23%, in Kostanai - 43 grain collecting enterprises or 20%, 13 grain collecting enterprises or 6% in West Kazakhstan region, 9 grain collecting enterprises in East Kazakhstan region, or 4%, that is, in five major grain-producing areas there are 173 grain collecting enterprises," he said.

Thus, currently 196 grain collecting enterprises have already received digital signatures, and about 4 thousand agricultural producers, who plan to take their grain to the elevator, received digital signatures as well, according to primeminister.kz.

According to him, the total capacity of grain storage is 14 million 839 thousand tons, grain storage capacity in these five areas is 13 million tons, or 88% of all grain stores, 194 of which or 90% of the total have rail access.

"The annual subscription fee for access to the system of grain owners is 1 MCI a year, which is 2121 tenge in the current year, and for grain collecting enterprises it costs 36 MCI, that is about 76 thousand tenge," he said.

In addition, according to the expert, all transactions namely purchase, sale, pledge, division, consolidation, tender, redemption of grain receipts are held in the system for free, that means it is required to pay only the annual subscription fee.

Zh.Ospanov added that 43 agreemnts were registered with grain collecting enterprises in 2-3 days.

For reference: the Law of the Republic of K azakhstan "On Grain" entered into force on July 23, 2016. After this date, grain receipts are issued only in electronic form. The Institute of grain receipts was introduced in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On grain" since August 2002.

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