Achievements of Kazakhstan’s Presidency over UN Security Council listed

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Timur Shaimergenov, Deputy Director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced Kazakhstan's major accomplishments during its Presidency over the UN Security Council, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"Our UN Security Council Presidency is coming to an end, and you must be closely monitoring the achievements on that global platform. Kazakhstan has already achieved a number of specific results. First of all, these are the successful ministerial-level consultations on Afghanistan, the Code of conduct to achieve a terrorism-free world, which is now successfully discussed and is reverberating, as well as the possible signing of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons," Timur Shaimergenov told "Kazakhstan's Peacemaking Mission" roundtable dedicated to The Era of Independence, a book by President Nursultan Nazarbayev."

He also highlighted Kazakhstan's consistent approach to the peacemaking mission issues.

"In terms of the peacemaking mission, our country's approach is very consistent.(...) In fact, since the very first days, this vector has become an integral part of our foreign policy. Suffice it to recall the very first experience when in 1994 President Nazarbayev successfully contributed to the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh. It was the first such experience when, using his authority and diplomatic skills, he actually ended the armed conflict, although it is frozen. Then, it was the resolution of the crisis between India and Pakistan during the CICA Summit in Almaty in 2000 when the prime ministers of India and Pakistan for the first time in Kazakhstan agreed on the non-use of armed forces against each other," Timur Shaimergenov emphasized.

He also recalled Kazakhstan's assistance in resolving the crisis around Ukraine in 2014.

"At that time, the leaders of the U.S., Germany, the UK, and Russia approached our President. In fact, we took on the role of a mediator in the dialogue between the global powers. In this respect, we have to recall the events occurred four years ago, and it will be quite clear why we have the moral right to suggest Astana as a dialogue platform for these negotiations," added Timur Shaimergenov.

He also recalled that in 2016 our President managed to bring the leaders of Turkey and Russia to the same negotiating table, actually defusing the conflict between the two countries after the incident in 2015, when a Russian aircraft was shot down. The expert also mentioned the successful negotiations on a ceasefire in Syria.


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