18:14, 30 April 2009 | GMT +5
Activity of socio-entrepreneurship corporations discussed in central office of ?Nur Otan? Party
ASTANA. April 30. KAZINFORM /Narymbek Ismagulov/ Session on the issues of the activity of socio-entrepreneurship corporations with participation of First Deputy Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev was held in the central office of ?Nur Otan? National Democratic Party.

Heads of a range of Ministries and Departments, Deputies of the Majilis (Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament), reps of ?Samruk Kazyna? Fund and socio-entrepreneurship corporations took part in the session.
Issues of further development of socio-entrepreneurship corporations were discussed at the session. Amendments and additions to the legislation, regulating the activity of the corporations were presented as well.
As First Deputy Chairman of ?Nur Otan? Party Darkhan Kaletayev noted, main difficulties in the functioning of corporations occurred due to lack of complete inventory of the state property and some issues of the effectiveness of corporation?s activity.
According to U.Shukeyev, a socio-entrepreneurship corporation is a new institute, the main purpose of which is to absolve the local executive bodies from economic functions. Ta present the corporations can work on regional advanced projects, the realization of which presents difficulties for private business. ?We will define one main specialization for each of seven socio-entrepreneurship corporations. Besides, the corporations must maintain permanent contacts with local representations of business and help in realization of best and economically most feasible projects?, U.Shukeyev said.