11:52, 13 November 2014 | GMT +5
Advanced space industry to lay foundation for scientific progress and security, Mussabayev
ASTANA. KAZINFORM "Development of the advanced space industry will lay foundation for scientific progress and the country's safety," head of the Kazakh Airspace Committee Talgat Mussabayev said addressing the international seminar The Days of Space in Kazakhstan.

"Currently, Kazakhstan has a number of high space technologies, modern ground-based space infrastructure and skilled staff for efficient use of the results of the space activities to the benefit of the country's socioeconomic development. I am confident that development of the present-day space industry and its further development will lay foundation for the country's scientific and technical progress and its security," he added. The seminar at the Palace of Independence gathered above 300 Kazakh and foreign experts from France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland Spain, Norway, Russia, the US, India, Korea, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.