12:54, 15 January 2019 | GMT +5
AI elements to be used by eGov.kz
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Artificial intelligence components will be implemented in eGov.kz portal of Kazakhstan, Minister of Information and Communications Dauren Abayev said at the Governmental meeting in Astana today.

"Kazakhstan ranks the 39th in the UN E-Government Development Index in 2018. Meanwhile, by the level of maturity, our e-government system stands at eGov2.0 stage. Under the Digital Kazakhstan programme we are now taking measures to move to eGov3.0 level which has already been reached by the Republic of Korea, Australia, Singapore, Great Britain, Denmark, and Sweden. What does characterize eGov3.0 system? First of all, the implementation of elements of artificial intelligence,pro-active services, the internet of things etc." said the Minister.
Kazakhstan will fully transit to eGov3.0 by 2021, he added.