Akhmetov: Holding of EXPO-2017 in Astana to boost the C Asia region's development

"We are glad that Astana won the right to hold International Exhibition EXPO-2017. I want to express gratitude for your attention to our project. On behalf of the Kazakh Government I want assure you we will make every effort to hold the event at the highest level," Serik Akhmetov told during the meeting.
"Holding the EXPO-2017 in Astana will give a n impetus to the development not only of Kazakhstan's capital and regions but the entire Central Asia region," Kazakh Prime Minister stressed.
In turn, V. Loscertales noted that unity, leadership and visionof the future are key elements in Kazakhstan's capital victory . "The success of Astana, the success of "EXPO" will be the success of the International Exhibitions Bureau," V. Loscertales emphasized.