Akhmetov reviewed preparation of Strategy of Kazakhstan's transition to green economy

ASTANA. December 14. KAZINFORM Today, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov chaired the first session of a working group that works on development of the Strategy of Kazakhstan on transition to green economy. Representatives of the state agencies, national holdings, NGOs and international organizations took part in the session.

Opening the sitting, S.Akhmetov said that the instruction to work out a strategy of Kazakhstan's transition to green economy was given to the Government by the President.

"Kazakhstan has been positioning itself as a country committed to sustainable development for many years. We completed negotiations of Kazakhstan's accession toAnnex B of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It provides us with greater opportunities for attraction of "green" investments," S.Akhmetov said, primeminister.kz site informed.

He also emphasized that the international community backs up such Kazakhstan's initiatives as "Green Bridge" Partnership Program and the Global Energy and Environmental Strategy. In 2017, Astana will host the EXPO exhibition with the main theme regarding development of future energy, therefore, the importance of the new strategy reaches a new level.

Minister of Environment Protection Nurlan Kapparov delivered a report on the process of the strategy development.      

At the end of the session, the Prime Minister gave a number of specific instructions to the Ministry of Environment Protection, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and other interested state bodies on development of an action plan for the working group and submit it for consideration at the next session.  


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