Akmola oblast records 13.3% wage growth

KOKSHETAU.  December 21. KAZINFORM /Zhanmurat Zhanaidarov/ In 2009 the average wage in Akmola oblast has made KZT 46, 854. Compared to 2008 it rose by 13.3%.

The highest wage - KZT 78, 180 - is recorded in construction sector while the lowest wage is recorded in fishing - KZT 237, 667. The average wage of the workers of state-run organizations makes KZT 37, 842, healthcare - KZT 40, 128. Wages in Astrakhan and Sandyjtau districts rose by 50%, in Bulandy and Zhaksyn  districts - by - 39%, in Zerendy, Kurgaldzhin and Shortandy districts - by 30%.

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