Aktobe region attracts 376bln tenge of investments in 2018

According to him, the region's economy went up showing 5% growth this period. In particular, industrial growth made 5.7%, while the volume of industrial products amounted to 1.5 trillion tenge.
"Aktobe region is one of the leading regions of the country in terms of investment attraction. Compared to the same period in 2017, this year the region has attracted 13.6% more investments or 376 billion tenge," says Saparbayev.
In his words, economic growth and social stability enabled the region to reduce unemployment rate from 4.8% to 4.7%.
Agrarians of the region manufactured products to the amount of 193 billion tenge while labour productivity in agriculture rose by 48% and reached 1.2 million tenge per a person.
"The number of SMEs in the region increased by 6.4% and made 54,000. In the first half of 2018, the volume of goods and services made 371,5 billion tenge. We have commissioned almost 600,000sq.m. of housing and we plan to commission 900,000sq.m. more by yearend," added he.