Aktobe Schoolgirl killer sentenced to life imprisonment

One of the suspects - Sergey Naumtsev has been sentenced to life imprisonment and his partner - Victoria Savich to 25 years in jail. The hearing was held behind closed doors with the jurors.
It bears to remind that the body of the 14-year-old Guldira Sakenova was found in October 2013 in the bag that laid in the yard of a high-rise building. Later the police arrested Naumtsev and Savich. The detained woman gave a confession. As it turned out, the criminals got acquainted with the girl on the social networks. On the day of the murder Guldira met with Victoria Savich. She told the parents that she was going to visit her friend. At the apartment of the new «friends» the teenager was raped and then strangled.
The representatives of the injured party are satisfied with the court's decision.