09:22, 17 June 2016 | GMT +5
Al-Farabi KazNU, National Accreditation Centre inked memo of coop
ALMATY. KAZINFORM Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and LLP National Accreditation Centre signed a memorandum of cooperation.
The ceremony of signing the document took place yesterday, at a roundtable meeting on “Accreditation – Global Tool of Public Interest Support” held in Almaty.
The memorandum aims at mutual cooperation in accreditation of scientific-research laboratories, exchange of technical information, personnel training and upgrading qualification of employees in preparation of laboratories to accreditation and other joint activities.
Those attending the event were heads of organizations whose activities are directly or indirectly linked to application of standards, metrology rules, such as LLP InterCert Certification Centre, KazInMetr, NOBEL JSC etc., heads of departments of the University, students and faculty.