19:29, 11 January 2017 | GMT +5
Alga, KZ flashmob to support Universiade
ALMATY. KAZINFORM - A flashmob of 300 people to support the 28th Universiade has taken place in Almaty today. Local celebrities, singers, actors arranged a flashmob on the slopes of Shymbulak with assistance of the construction company "Global" to support the 28th Winter Universiade-2017.
Olympic prizewinner and Almaty Maslikhat deputy Islam Baimurakov has said in the interview: "As an athlete I understand very well the pressure and tension one feels during the competitions. Young athletes will contest in the Universiade and it is very important for them to feel support. Such events which are organized by socially active companies make a big contribution to promotion of sport in Kazakhstan", Islam Baimurakov said.
All participants of the flashmob lined up in "Alga KZ" message ("go, KZ") which occupied almost 1,000 sq m. The flashmob will start the marathon #supportourteams and #supporttogetherwithglobal, which will be spread in social networks.