Almaty-Amsterdam motor rally starts Oct 8

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Almaty-Amsterdam motor rally is going to start soon under "With love From" TV project.

"The goal of the project is to familiarize the Europeans with our country and to raise interest towards our republic as well as to tell our people about places of interest in Europe. We plan to visit Moscow, Brest, Warsaw, Prague, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam. 7 countries and 30 thousand kilometers in total," project director Abdel Elubayev told Kazinform. Anchors Rauan Imangaliyev and Kseniya Barannikova will keep on a running commentary on the rally telling about culture and traditions of European cities and variety of entertainment available for tourists. "We will also shoot TV programs about the Kazakhstanis living abroad. Our team of 7 people will cover the whole distance by cars. All those interested in our project may follow us via internet," Elubayev said. The rally will start October 8 and will finish approximately in a month.

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