Almaty eyes additional KZT4bn in education development

Almaty seeks to provide additional funds in the amount of 8.3 billion tenge in order to ensure social stability, of which 4 billion tenge will be funneled in the development of education, Kanat Sukhambekov, finance department head, said during a regular session of the city’s maslikhat.  

Photo: Almaty city's administration office

Part of these funds is expected to be spent on completing works on seismic strengthening and reconstruction of education facilities. In particular, works on seismic strengthening of a kindergarten on Xian Xinghai street and reconstruction of a kindergarten in Orbita 3 micro-district, Bostandyk district, are ongoing ahead of schedule. An additional 1 billion tenge will be allocated to complete the construction of these facilities before July 2025.

Funds are to be channeled to conduct contest procedures for construction and reconstruction of nine education facilities, including three kindergartens in Alatau and Nauryzbay districts, five schools in Alatau, Bosstandyk, Medeu and Turksib districts, one development and creativity center in Sayaly micro-district, Alatau district.

Besides, 26 schools are set to be provided with subject stands and desks.

An additional 460 billion tenge was allocated to the healthcare sphere, the bulk of which will be spent to finance 120 grants for training and scholarships for residents as well as to cover costs for costs for tuition and scholarships for 1,206 incoming students at seven medical colleges.

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