17:09, 13 March 2014 | GMT +5
Almaty hosts exhibition of a well-known Kazakhstani artist
ALMATY. KAZINFORM - A personal exhibition "Kazakh Yeli - images in colors" of a well-known Kazakhstani artist Kassymbek Meldekhan has opened at the Kasteyev State Museum of Arts in Almaty today.
"Kazakh Yeli is a huge country with rich history and culture. And throughout the years of Kazakhstan's independence we've come to know it," K. Meldekhan told Kazinform correspondent. The exhibition numbers more than 100 paintings taking us back to the creative stages of Meldekhan's life. "The key instrument every artist uses in his work is color. Through the color the emotions and feelings come to the fore," head of the Kazakh Research Center for Arts Mr. Amir Dzhadaibayev, who attended the exhibition, said.