Almaty Industrialization Map includes 5 new projects worth KZT 2.8 bln
A meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council will consider the inclusion of 5 new projects in the Industrialization Map of Almaty. This will create about 200 new jobs. The size of investments will amount to 2.8 billion tenge.
Thus, the second five-year Industrialization Map of Almaty includes 55 projects worth 120.3 billion tenge. It is expected that the new projects will created 9.9 thousand jobs. In comparison with the first five-year period the number of projects has increased by 2.5 times and the number of jobs to be created - by 3 times.
The approved projects are being implemented in food and light industry, chemical, wood and construction sectors.
Thus, the city will begin the construction of a shoe factory of LLP "Kazlegprom-Almaty". It is assumed that the object will be put into operation at the end of 2017.
Moreover, the city will start the reconstruction and modernization of the production of paints and varnishes under LLP "Concern Bakarassov". The company plans to launch the production of water bitumen emulsions and waterproofing materials.
In addition, within the framework of the Industrialization Map the city will start modernization of the aluminum radiators production plant under LLP "Sklad OV", expand the product line of commercial equipment of LLP "Tellus Commerce", reconstruct and modernize a bakery enterprise under LLP "Savvin".