Almaty park of innovative technologies - home to 152 companies: Minister

ASTANA. January 22. KAZINFORM The Park of Innovative Technologies in Almaty city is 'a home' to 152 companies, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev said introducing the bill "On "Innovative Technologies Park" innovative cluster", approved by the Kazakh Majilis in the first reading.

"There was a dramatic increase in the number of companies in the park since 2011. Currently, 152 companies are registered and operate successfully there. KZT 46 billion worth of projects are planned to be implemented in the park. More than 1000 jobs were created in the area," Mr. Issekeshev noted.

According to the Minister, the second stage of the park's development is in the full swing.

The park chiefly focuses on the integration of science, education and production, development of priority directions of fundamental and applied research, and development of international cooperation in the sphere of innovative technologies.

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