Almaty rgn posts 23 daily cases of COVID-19

ALMATY REGION. KAZINFORM – Almaty region has reported 23 fresh daily cases of the coronavirus infection, 95.7% of which are symptomatic Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the sanitary epidemiological control department of Almaty region, the total number of coronavirus cases stands at 57,327, of which 42,845 are symptomatic, in the region.

A high COVID-19 incidence rate has been seen in Taldykorgan, Tekeli cities as well as Karatalksk, Koksusk, Balkhashsk, Yeskeldinsk, Uyghur, Talgarsk, and Panfilov districts in the region.

There has been a 0.1% growth in coronavirus cases in the past two weeks, with most increases reported in Alakolsk district – 0.2% and Kapshagai city – 0.2%.

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