15:00, 24 September 2013 | GMT +5
Almaty to discuss topical issues of mining-metallurgical complex development
ALMATY. September 24. KAZINFORM - Current issues of mineral resources and mining and metallurgical complexes development will be discussed in Almaty on September 26 at the International Conference called "Mining and Metallurgical Complex at the threshold of the third industrial revolution".

In particular there will be talked about achievements and technologies in geology and mining, modern approaches to enrich poor and off-balanced materials, environmental aspects of nature, new technology metallurgical processing of mineral and man-made materials.
The event is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of Kazakhstan. The Center is the leading scientific and industrial enterprise in the market research and technical services in the sector of economy.
The conference will bring together representatives of governmental agencies, institutions and development banks, major foreign and domestic companies.