15:57, 18 March 2009 | GMT +5
Almaty to host VIII Eurasian Media Forum
ALMATY. March 18. KAZINFORM. /Serik Tleulessov/ VIII Eurasian Media Forum will take place in Almaty on April 23-24. EAMF General Producer Vladimir Rerikh has announced about it at a special press conference today and informed of the preparation activities.
According to him, the forum will raise the problems of the global economic crisis, objectiveness of the mass media, new US administration, and other subjects.
Top executives of the NATO, OSCE, UN and heads of the world media community, analytical centers and other international organizations will take part in the conference.
Among the participants there will be professor at Harvard University Niall Ferguson, well-know Russian economist Mikhail Khazin, professor at Russian Diplomatic Academy Igor Panarin, member of British Parliament George Halloway and many others. Producer of Al Jazeera International Riz Khan will be the moderator of the forum.