08:49, 01 April 2009 | GMT +5
Ambassador to Belarus meets Kazakh students
MINSK. April 1. KAZINFORM Kazakh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belarus Anatoly Smirnov has held a meeting with the Kazakh students and cadets, who study at Belarusian universities; Kazinform refers to the press service of the Kazakh Embassy in Belarus.
At the meeting the Ambassador informed the youth of the main provisions of President Nursultan Nazarbayev?s Message to the Nation. A.Smirnov told the students about the country?s economic policy against the global financial crisis. He said that the Government guaranted fulfillment of obligations to increase welfare payments. In particular it will increase stipends by 25 percent in 2010, by 30 percent ? in 2011. The Government will support the students, who cannot afford higher education. 11.000 grants and 40.000 credits more are envisaged for this purpose.
The Ambassador assured that Kazakhstan would handle all difficulties and challenges. Having overcome the crisis, the country will be stronger and ready to continue post-crisis development, he added.
A.Smirnov told about the Embassy?s activity and main directions of the Kazakh-Belarusian cooperation. The Ambassador spoke for strengthening the friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between the nations through cultural events.
The sides reached an arrangement to create a Council of Kazakhstan Students in order to strengthen unity and team spirit, and cultural development of the Kazakh students and support continuing contacts with the Kazakh Embassy.