Amman Mayor awarded ?Astana?s 10th anniversary? medal

AMMAN. May 2. KAZIFORM /Talgat Baimukhambetov/ On the eve of the People?s Unity Day Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Jordan Bulat Sarsenbayev awarded Mayor of Amman Omar Maani with ?Astana?s 10th Anniversary? jubilee medal. The Head of Amman municipality was awarded the medal for his contribution to cooperation between Kazakhstan and Jordan.
In a letter of gratitude Omar Maani thanked our country for the honor confered on him and assured he would exert every effort for the development of ties between Astana and Amman. According to B. Sarsenbayev, besides the ceremony the parties held negotiations regarding preparation for signing an Action Plan for realization of the Agreement on Cooperation in trade-economic, scientific-technical and humanitarian spheres for 2009-2010 between the Akimat of Astana and Amman. The document is being developed within the Kazakh President?s instruction following the Jordanian King?s official visit to Astana in August 2007.
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