ANSA: Half of Italy is a COVID-19 red zone

ROME. KAZINFORM Half of Italy was on lockdown on Monday after a recent upswing on COVID-19 contagion and the government's imposition of new rules making it more likely that regions get classified as coronavirus red zones.

As a result half of Italy's regions are now red, meaning all non-essential shops are closed there, bars and restaurants can only do takeaway services, pupils have do class via distance learning and trips outside the home are only allowed for work or health reasons or other situations of need, ANSA reports.

As a result, eight out of 10 of Italy's school pupils were having online lessons on Monday.

People are allowed to do a little exercise on their own in the area of their home.

The rest of the country also faces restrictions.

The other half of Italy's region's have been classed as high-risk orange zones until Easter, even those whose contagion data would normally see them classified as moderate-risk yellow zones.

In orange zones, bars and restaurants can only do takeaway services.

But all shops can open and children can have lessons in school.

The exception is Sardinia, where many of the coronavirus restrictions have been relaxed as the island is considered a low-risk white zone.

All of Italy, except for Sardinia, will be a red zone for three days over Easter.

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