22:33, 13 December 2021 | GMT +5
ANSA: ICU COVID occupancy up in 8 regions of Italy, 20% in Trento
ROME. KAZINFORM - ICU COVID-19 occupancy is up in eight regions, and as high as 20% in Trento, the AGENAS regional health service agency said Monday, ANSA reports.
The other regions are Marche (14%), Lazio (12%), Piedmont and Umbria (both 8%), and Campania, Sicily and Tuscany (all three 6%).
AGENAS compared the data on December 12 with those of the previous day.
The COVID ICU occupancy rate is down in Calabria (11%), Liguria (12%) , and Bolzano (19%).
It is steady, but above the key 10% threshold, in Friuli (15%) and Veneto (13%).
Regions are considered to be at risk of changing COVID risk colour if their ICU COVID occupany rates are above 10% for some time, and if their general ward occupancy rates are above 15%.