'Apocalyptic' weather hits Petropavlovsk

'Apocalyptic' weather hits Petropavlovsk
Photo credit: Olessya Zhukoven/ Kazinform

Heavy downpour with thunderstorm battered Kazakhstan’s northernmost city of Petropavlovsk on Friday. The amount of precipitation that fell just in an hour, exceeded the average norm almost by twice, Kazinform News Agency reports.

It was raining cats and dogs in Petropavlovsk. The city was affected by adverse weather conditions with heavy rain, brief hail storm, thunderstorm and strong gusts of wind, which persisted for approximately an hour. The combination of strong wind and heavy rainfall created an 'apocalyptic' scene.

'Apocalyptic' weather hits Petropavlovsk
Photo credit: Olessya Zhukoven/Kazinform

Hail with a diameter of 5mm battered the city for three minutes, local branch of Kazhydromet says.

Following the inclement weather, the sun immediately came out, accompanied by intermittent rumbling of thunder.

A day before, the meteorological and rescue services issued weather alert for July 5, which warned the citizens of rainy conditions and gusting wind up to 15-20m/s, as well as hail and thunderstorm. 

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