Around 100 houses to be built in W Kazakhstan by end of August

Around 100 houses to be built in W Kazakhstan by end of August
Photo credit: the Ministry of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan

A construction of 90 houses are scheduled in the Karatobe district by the end of August 2024, Kazinform News Agency reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan.

The ministry indicated that it is taking active measures to accelerate the work with a view to eliminating the flood consequences.
It also noted that 90 houses are under construction for flood-affected citizens in the Korzhyn village of Karatobe district. The rehabilitation process can be monitored online via the portal. Completion of construction activities is scheduled for August. Additionally, repairs have already been completed in 13 houses.
The Ministry of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan reports that 3,332 houses were technically surveyed in the West Kazakhstan region. Based on the results of the surveys, 401 houses are to be constructed, 1,497 houses to be purchased and 1,434 houses are to be repaired.
As previously reported, 16 video surveillance cameras have been installed in 8 settlements of the region to monitor the construction of new residential houses. In addition, flood victims have already started receiving keys to new houses in the West Kazakhstan region.

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