Asia-Pacific news agencies to discuss interaction perspectives

MOSCOW. September 19. KAZINFORM The XV General Assembly of the Organization of Asian-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) started its work in Moscow.

Heads of news agencies of the OANA member states will talk on a role of mass media in the glottalization epoch, perspectives of trans median communications' development and key trends of the modern information market.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a welcome letter to participants and the guests of the XV OANA General Assembly and expressed confidence that this meeting will be very useful for all participants, give a start to perspective ideas and initiatives.

"The OANA is widely regarded one of the oldest and most authoritative international unions of news agencies. Through joint efforts you could do more for stable and prosperous Asian-Pacific region ," the welcome letter reads.

At the eve of the meeting, the Anadolu Agency Director General and OANA Chairman Kemal Ozturk noted the importance of news' agencies interaction at this time. Kemal Ozturk emphasized the specific role of the OANA in this process, which has reached great progress in the fence-mending between mass media.

Live professional issues were discussed and also reports of the member states on wide spectrum key aspects will be heard during the session.

Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies is an association of news agencies from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) member states in the Asia-Pacific region. It was previously known as Organisation of Asian News Agencies.

It was formed in 1961 on UNESCO's initiative. It provides a news wire service containing articles donated by its members.

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