Asian student congress to be held in Altai Ter in June

BARNAUL.  April 28. KAZINFORM An Asian student congress will be held in the Altai Territory from June 23 to 30. Representatives of more than 30 institutes of higher education from Azerbaijan, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and other countries have already announced their intention to participate in the congress, the forum organizers told ITAR-TASS on Saturday.

The main aim of the congress is to "unite educational establishments of Asia in the process of integration of higher education. "The event will be held in the scientific-academician format. The topics for discussions between students will include education, science and innovations, youth organizations and cooperation between them, as well as cultural traditions among the youth," the organizers note. Among the topics due to be discussed at the student congress are problems of water supply of Asia, issues of security in conditions of globalization and development of tourism. The work at the forum's floors of discussions will be organized in the form of presentations. Master-classes and contests of student creative and scientific works will be held.

The Altai State University, on the basis of which the regional authorities plan to organize a Russian-Asian University in the coming years, comes out as the congress organizer. The Russian Ministry of Education, the Russian Foreign Ministry and UNESCO render support of the congress holding.


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