12:34, 05 February 2015 | GMT +5
Assets of National Fund grew by 3.9% in 2014
ALMATY. KAZINFORM - In 2014, the gross international reserves of the National Bank of Kazakhstan increased by 17%, up to 28.9 bln US dollars. The assets of the National Fund grew by 3.9% in 2014 and made 73.6 US dollars, the press service of the Bank informs.
In 2014, the international reserves of Kazakhstan including the assets of the National Fund increased by 7.3%, up to 102.5 bln US dollars. The monetary base expanded by 20.8% in 2014 and made 413.6 bln tenge. It was possible manly thanks to the growth of international reserves. In 2014, the money stock increased by 10.5%, up to 12816.3 bln teenge because of the growth of external and internal assets of the banking system.