Astana authorities to spend 3bn tenge to support needy families
He said that more than 3,000 residents of the city have applied to the Mayor's Office to date. "We have systematized all the requests and compiled the so called ‘social map' of the city. At the Presidential instruction, we set to revise the local budget and redistribute the expenditure side of the budget in order to envisage additional funds for the social support," he noted.
The expenditures on the social sphere of the city will make 150bn tenge or 35% of the total volume of the budget, he noted.
"Alongside, we have elaborated additional measures of the support of needy families from the local budget to the amount of 3bn tenge," Sultanov added.
Thus, the Mayor's Office has envisaged additional resources for the provision of special services to the children with autism (40mn tenge); for the purchase of wheelchair taxis; for the employment of jobless people.
Additionally, school students and students of universities from large families will be provided with travel privileges. Students of 1-11 grades at schools will be provided with hot meals. Up to 1,000 children will be sent to recreation camps during vacations. 20,000 tenge will be allocated for the purchase of school uniform and school supplies.
900 apartments will be commissioned this year through the housing savings system. 2bn tenge is envisaged in local budget for issuing up to 2,000 housing certificates, the Mayor added.
Besides, 731 rental apartments with repurchase option will be commissioned under the Nurly Zher program.