Astana city akimat will monitor prices every day

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Today Astana city akim Imangali Tasmagambetov has held a meeting regarding issues of price stabilizing due to national currency devaluation - tenge.

At the meeting they discussed issues connected with the national currency devaluation and joint plan of further actions has been developed in order to prevent negative consequences of the national currency devaluation. So, today I. Tasmagambetov has tasked the deputy akim of Astana city Ersain Nagaspayev together with the Administrations of agriculture and business and industry to perform daily monitoring over prices for major foodstuff. "Measures have to be taken to prevent their increase, to suppress the price collusion; in addition, it's necessary to hold works with major trading centers in order to prevent the rent increase and calculation peg to the foreign currency. To organize works with the local manufacturers concerning prevention of artificial price increase for their production, and to take measures aimed at timely replenishment of commodity stock of the city", said the akim. Besides, works will be initiated with suppliers of agricultural production within the framework of the commodity belt. In addition, the akim has tasked the Administration of passenger transport and motor roads to organize work by the end of the week in order to explain the representatives of car and bus fleets the necessity of price regulation for the provided services, down to the taxi. Attention has also been paid to socially vulnerable categories of the population of Astana city. The akim has tasked the Administrations to prevent increase of prices for medical products for this category of people. And to control issues of the weekly monitoring over reduction of workplaces and unreasoned violation of the labor legislation for salary payment. Also in order to avoid cases of use of unsatisfactory products by unfair entrepreneurs with the purpose to save funds, at the instruction of the akim they will control the quality of products used in public catering facilities, as well as hospitals, schools, kindergartens and universities. Also according to the akim it's necessary to take measures in the city to restrain tariffs and especially prices for fuel products. "We should not lose sight of the fact that we have to take measures to preserve prices for fuel products. In addition, it also refers to tariffs connected with utility services - this issue is under our control. In this connection I task the akims of Almaty, Esil and Saryarka districts together with the Administration of housing inspection to control the issue of tariff formation, and to suppress all intentions of cooperatives of flat owners to increase the price for utility services", I. Tasmagambetov noted. Source:

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