Astana city population grows to 795 801

In comparison with the start of 2013, the total number of Astana city population increased by 17 603 people, including Almaty district - 1 848 people, Esil - 6 296 people, and Saryarka district - 9 459 people.
Over January-July 2013, natural growth of the population amounted to 10 625 people, and migrational growth - 6 978 people.
During January-July 2013, 12 634 newly born children were registered in Astana, which is 14,5% more in comparison with the similar period of the past year. Along with that, natural growth of the population in comparison with January-July of the past year increased by 18,8% and amounted to 10 625 people.
Over the same period 2 009 people died, and this is 4,1% less than in January-July 2012.
"In January-July 106 infants, died in the age below 1 year, were registered, which is 23 cases less than over the similar period of 2012. Infant mortality rate amounted to 8,39 died children in the age below 1 year per 1000 of newly born children (in January-July of 2012 - 11,69)", - it is reported in the message.
Among major death causes the main part is of blood circulatory system diseases - 37%, neoplasms - 17,8%, accidents, intoxication and trauma - 15,6%.
The number of marriages registered in civil registration offices of January-July 2013 increased by 4,5% in comparison with the similar period of the past year, and the number of divorces increased by 14,5%.