11:56, 25 April 2009 | GMT +5
Astana holds Junior Science Olympiad
ASTANA. April 25. KAZINFORM. /Gulnara Zhandagulova/ Intellectual School of the First President of Kazakhstan opened a Junior Science Olympiad on Friday in Astana.

The event is organized by Orken JSC for children under 15. About 60 students from the capital and regional schools take part in the competition on such disciplines as physics, chemistry and biology.
The Scientific Committee consisting of five professors of the Eurasian National Gumilyov University will judge the contest.
Chairman of the Committee is Kazbek Baktybekov, Head of the University International Department of the nuclear physics, new materials and technologies.
The Olympiad consists of two rounds ? theoretical and experimental.
Awarding ceremony will take place on April 26.