Astana Mayor informed about planned reduction of state investments and growth of private investments in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - A sitting on further interaction of Astana with the Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan was held today in the city administration.

Astana Mayor Adilbek Dzhaksybekov and Minister of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev discussed the issues of implementation of the State Program on Accelerated Industrial-Innovative Development in Astana, development of innovations, special economic zones and industrial zones, attraction of investments, development of tourism and transport infrastructure. It was noted that 22 projects totaling KZT 167.8 bln were already implemented within the Industrialization Map. It also allowed to create about 3 thousand jobs, the press service of the Astana administration reported. In 2014, the volume of products manufactured within the projects launched within the Industrialization Map made over 90 billion tenge and increased 1.6 times compared to the previous year. The processing sector produced products amounting to KZT 270.8 bln (a 41.5 bln tenge increase compared to 2013). The results of the first five-year phase of the State Program on Accelerated Industrial Development for 2010-2014 are positive for Astana. However, according to A. Dzhaksybekov, it is necessary to take into account the current economic situation in the world and the President's Address "Nurly Zhol". It is important now to focus on attraction of investments including foreign investments. "Now we will be less oriented at state investments and more at attraction of private investments, which is going to help to stabilize the economic situation in the capital city. I also hope that we will have full support of the Ministry of Investments and Development in this sphere," A. Dzhaksybekov said. In turn, A. Issekeshev expressed interest in strengthening the joint work of the Ministry with the city administration of Astana. In particular, he emphasized implementation of joint projects aimed at increasing tourist attractiveness of Astana.

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