Astana Opera concludes its anniversary season under the shouts of «Bravo»

The opera house, a monumental adornment of the capital, was designed in the best traditions of classical architecture while preserving the national zest. A true celebration of high art reigned here throughout the anniversary season. During this time, a number of significant premieres were presented to the audience. The most discussed and anticipated ballet premiere of 2022, Cinderella, staged at the Astana Opera by the famous choreographer Raimondo Rebeck to Prokofiev’s music, aroused great public interest. Balnur Qydyrbek’s national opera-ballet Qalqaman – Mamyr, which premiered at the end of December2022, caused a great resonance. This year, the opera house heldtwo more premieres – world choreographic masterpiece, JiřiKylián’s ballet Petite Mort to Mozart’s music and Rossini’srarely performed opera buffa L’Italiana in Algeri, Kazinform learnt from the Astana Opera’s press service.
Conquering Horizons
A series of tours followed the premieres: at the end of 2022, thunderous applause and shouts of «Bravo» greeted the ballet company in Moscow. The performance was a great success atthe Kremlin Palace. The Kazakh team presented Asafiev’s The Fountain of Bakhchisarai as part of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, receivinghigh reviews from theatregoers and music critics.
The Astana Opera’s tour to Almaty, long-awaited by music connoisseurs and artists, took place from December 8 to 10. Theopera house presented two completely different programs to the Almaty audience – the Gala Concert and Verdi’s Requiem. Renowned soloists accompanied by the opera house’s choir and symphony orchestra performed under the baton of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Abzal Mukhitdin.
Three days later, the Astana Opera performed for the first time a tour program in Baku within the framework of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The Gala Concert was held at the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
However, this was not the end of the tour either. The next stop was Minsk, the capital of Belarus. At the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, opera soloists performed Rossini’s operatic farsacomica La Scala di Seta. The tour took place as part of the 12th Minsk Christmas Opera Forum. The vocal skill and artistry of the soloists, the nuanced sound of the Chamber Orchestra conducted by Ruslan Baimurzin, holder of the Order of Qurmet, delighted the Belarusian audience.
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