Astana Opera inaugurates its 11th season

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Astana Opera opened a new season with a full house, under unceasing applause and shouts of «Bravo!». One of the best performances, Akhmet Zhubanov and Latif Khamidi’s opera Abai to Mukhtar Auezov’s libretto, was presented to the audience.

The opera has long taken a central place in the playbill of the capital’s opera house. Five years ago, the Astana Opera was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for this production.

The two composers’ brilliant music, highly professional work of the opera house’s principal conductor, the music director of the production Alan Buribayev, and all the artists’ excellent performance was highly regarded by the Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aida Balayeva on this significant day for the team. After the performance, the Minister congratulated the Astana Opera on the opening of the 11th theatrical season and wished the team great achievements and creative success, Kazinform cites the Astana Opera’s press service.

The renowned baritone Zhanat Shybykbayev was excellent as the titular character in terms of vocals and acting. The famous tenor Meir Bainesh performed Aidar, Abai’s student, conveying the emotional state and the inner feelings of his hero to the viewers. The wonderful soprano Aigul Niyazova presented a nuanced portrayal of Azhar, and her voice was incredibly captivating. Tatyana Vitsinskaya masterfully performed Qarlyghash. The talented Yerzhan Saipov took the stage as Kokbai. Bolat Yessimkhanov portrayed Syrttan, Talgat Galeyev presented Zhirenshe. Azim – Beimbet Tanarykov, Narymbet – Ramzat Balakishiyev, Mes – Khaidar Mustapin.

The story of the romantic and forbidden love of two young people, closely linked to the affirmation of eternal human values, delighted the audience. The listeners did not hold back tears in the final scene, giving a standing applause to the artists’ skills.

«It always seems to us that the opera Abai has only one take, but the Astana Opera’s production proves the opposite. An interpretation in the spirit of the independent opera art of Kazakhstan was presented to listeners. First and foremost, I would like to note the masterly sound of the orchestra, which, undoubtedly, is the merit of Maestro Alan Buribayev. The music director and conductor did a massive, painstaking work on the text of the score, so that the composers’ outstanding music, which incorporates the echoes of national folklore and Abai Qunanbaiuly’s authentic melodies, sounded truly impressive, reflecting deep dramaturgy. In my opinion, thanks to the incredibly high level of the production, the plethora of colorful characters and a new take on the national masterpiece, the opera Abai boldly fits in line with the immortal works of world classics,» the viewer Talgat Ibrayev shared his impressions after the end of the performance.

The opera house’s principal choirmaster Yerzhan Dautov carried out the work with the choir. Choreographers – Tursynbek Nurkaliyev and Galiya Buribayeva, assistant stage director – Yerenbak Toikenov. Set designer – the outstanding contemporary theatrical designer Ezio Frigerio, costume designer – the Academy Award winner Franca Squarciapino, opera company director – Azamat Zheltyrguzov.

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