Astana Opera to show exclusive ballet productions online for 1st time

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - From April 18 to May 10, the Astana Opera’s ballet productions of Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon, Roland Petit’s Coppélia, Raimondo Rebeck’s How Long Is Now? and Beethoven - Immortal - Love, which was dedicated to the composer’s 250th anniversary, will be featured online at TengriTV for the first time.

The opera house’s many other exciting performances in various genres will also be presented to the online viewers in this period, Kazinform has learnt from the Astana Opera’s press service.

Let us remind that due to the copyright restrictions these productions were not broadcast by the Astana Opera before. However, permission for an online viewing during quarantine period was obtained and now the audience has the opportunity to fully enjoy the world classical masterpieces.

In addition, it is possible to make your weekends more interesting and informative by discovering the world of outstanding composers. Works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ottorino Respighi, Georges Bizet, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Giuseppe Verdi and other great classics will be featured in the original project of the Principal Conductor of the Astana Opera Alan Buribayev - Letters from Italy. Another grand project of the celebrated conductor – Symphony No. 8 by Gustav Mahler - caused a huge resonance around the world. Let us remind that 1,200 musicians took part in the performance.

The Astana Opera Choir and Symphony Orchestra under the baton of the famous conductor Abzal Mukhitdin will perform popular and beloved by everyone Eight Seasons: Vivaldi and Piazzolla, and Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana.

In the near future, the Astana Opera offers the viewers 14 performances.

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