Astana process in the spotlight of UN Security Council meeting

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Staffan de Mistura, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Syria, revealed Thursday that the next round of the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva will convene by the end of October or in early November. The UN mediator made the news about the 8th round of the talks public at the Security Council Meeting on the situation in the Middle East on September 27, Kazinform has learnt from the Kazakh MFA's press service. 

Mistura stressed that the talks in Amman and meetings in Astana resulted in the creation of four de-escalation zones - in the south of Syria, Eastern Ghouta, Homs and Idlib.

He praised this important step that will help reduce the level of violence, preserve Syria's territorial integrity and unity.

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock who also briefed the Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria expressed concern about the armed clashes in Idlib and Hama, noting that those entailed numerous victims, injuries among peaceful citizens and destruction of civil infrastructure.

Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, drew attention of those present to the fact that the guarantor states - Russia, Iran and Turkey made a big step towards strengthening of ceasefire regime and ensuring stability in Syria at the International Meeting on the Syrian Settlement in Astana held on September 14-15.

"The Astana process, platform for which was kindly provided by the Kazakhstani authorities, infused new life into the intra-Syrian talks under the UN aegis. We see that it gave an impulse to the Geneva process under Staffan de Mistura," the Russian diplomat said.

The head of Kazakhstani delegation, Kairat Umarov, called on the Security Council members to support and develop the positive impulse recently observed in the Syrian settlement process. This, in his words, will be made possible through strengthening of national ceasefire regime and implementation of the agreements reached in Geneva and Astana. Mr. Umarov urged the interested countries of the Middle East, North America and the Persian Gulf to join the guarantor states in ensuring the ceasefire regime by all parties. He also voiced an opinion that the Syrian Government and neighboring countries should ensure delivery of humanitarian aid to refugee camps. It was also noted that safe removal of civilians from the battle zones, protection of civilians and observance of human rights should be prioritized.

In conclusion, the Kazakhstani delegation called on the parties to the conflict to make concessions in terms of releasing detainees and hostages, handing over the bodies of those killed and exchanging information on missing persons.

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