01:17, 03 December 2010 | GMT +5
Astana Summit is historic event both for OSCE and Kazakhstan - President
ASTANA. December 3. KAZINFORM /Arailym Temirgaliyeva/ The first Summit of this millennium is a historic event both for OSCE and Kazakhstan. Today the OSCE is experiencing s a renaissance. The Astana Summit has achieved major changes not only in rough aspects but also in political way, Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev has said at a briefing at Astana Shabyt Palace .
"We must reflect on security in common area if we want to hand on to the next generation pride for prosperous future", the Kazakh President noted.
N. Nazarbayev thanked the participants of the Summit, all Kazakhstanis, the people of Astana and all those involved in this event drivers, policemen, journalists, workers of hotels and others for contributing to organization of the Summit.