15:41, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
Astana to open international university
ASTANA. April 23. KAZINFORM. /Damir Baimanov/ A two-day seminar devoted to the presentation of a new international university has started today in Astana. Kazakh Minister of Education and Science Zhanseit Tuimebayev and heads of world leading universities including Cambridge, Stanford, National University of Singapore and others take part in the event.

?Establishment of this university in Astana is a good present of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to youth. It will meet international requirements. English will be the language of instruction in the university. A diploma will be acknowledged worldwide?, Z. Tuimebayev said.
According to him, Kazakhstani youth will be able to receive educational grants. However, 50% of students will be foreigners. The university will open the following specialties: information-communication and space technologies, nanotechnologies, navigation systems, computer engineering and etc.