Astana to welcome exhibition in memory of Denis Ten

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - An exhibition in memory of Kazakhstani figure skater Denis Ten D10 WORLD will be held in Astana in November, Kazinform reports. 

Kazakhstani singer Dimash Kudaibergen shared the news on his Instagram.

The exhibition will showcase the photographs taken by Denis himself and his photos from various sports events. Video footage kindly provided by his friends and colleagues will be screened during the exposition as well.

Organizers hope that Denis' achievements will inspire many people to do great things and realize that their opportunities are limitless.

The exhibition will be held from 10 to 20 November at MEGA Silk Way.

The analogous exhibition was organized in Almaty in late August.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

ФОТОВЫСТАВКА D10 WORLD ASTANA Приглашаем Вас на выставку, посвящённую памяти Дениса Тен, где будут представлены фотоработы, созданные Денисом, а так же фотографии со знаковых спортивных мероприятий и видео-проект от коллег и друзей. Даты проведения: 10.11.2018 - 20.11.2018 Место: MEGA Silk Way, 2 этаж Дата и время официального открытия выставки: 10.11.2018 в 17:00 Вход традиционно свободный #DenisTen #D10world

Публикация от Димаш ҚҰДАЙБЕРГЕН (@kudaibergenov.dimash) 2 Ноя 2018 в 3:13 PDT

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