Astana will host meeting of the Task Force on Regional Energy Cooperation in Central and South Asia

As the senior expert of the Energy Charter Secretariat Kanat Botbaev says, the main purpose of the event is to provide the participating countries opportunity to exchange views and relevant information in order to promote regional cooperation in transit of electric energy.
During the first session it is planned to debate the matters of transit of electric energy in Central Asia. The Energy Charter Secretariat will present the study called "Pricing for the transit of electric energy." Delegates are expected to submit their comments, and will contribute to the completion of the study.
During the second session of the "Sustainable Energy for All" the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway will present the international initiative on energy and climate «Energy +». This initiative is aimed at improving access to modern energy and energy efficiency, as well as a reduction in the developing world emissions of greenhouse gases. It is expected that the participating countries will be presenting their point of view on key aspects of the initiative - development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
At the request of the Kazakh side in the agenda of the meeting have been included the issues of introduction of technology "clean coal". Representatives of the Norwegian company, having pioneered the development of clean coal, will share their practical experience in carrying out such projects, including the development of technologies to capture and store carbon.
The Task Force on Regional Energy Cooperation in Asia was founded April 26, 2007 in Bishkek, where all the countries of Central Asia as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan have agreed to use the framework of the Energy Charter, and to intensify the development of cross-border electricity trade. The Task Force consists of representatives from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Meetings of the Task Force provide a forum for the exchange of information on best practices in the development of cross-border energy markets and transportation corridors.